A Call to Action

Capitol Hill crowd

The past two+ years of fraud, deception, and crimes against humanity dressed up as governmental response to COVID19 has been a wake-up call for those of us who now understand that our once great nation’s government institutions and regulatory agencies now represent a clear and present danger to the safety and general welfare of We the People.

A state of war.

Since the start of the “pandemic” of a coronavirus (flu), Americans have borne witness to a series of assaults by government authorities against our democracy, our health, and the economic engine of our country. First, the pandemic lockdowns: shuttering small businesses across the country while allowing corporate mega-stores and monopolies like Amazon to remain open and increase their wealth and power.

Then the relentless push for dangerous, emergency-use authorized “vaccinations” containing synthetic mRNA substances, courtesy of a US taxpayer-funded media propaganda campaign, censoring and suppression of efficacious COVID19 medical treatments, along with various attempts to legislate mandates denying Americans the freedom to chose or reject those injections.

The onslaught continues with a controlled demolition of the U.S. economy and eventually, the U.S. dollar. Surging inflation, an impending burst of various asset bubbles, and the strange new phenomenon of food shortages portend a great financial disaster and upheaval the likes of which America hasn’t witnessed since 1929. But more frightening even than the prospect of a coming Great Depression- which our government seems incapable of preventing- are the proposed solutions.

A “softened labor market” (translation: increased unemployment), a Central Bank Digital Currency, vaccine “passports,” and 87,000 additional I.R.S. agents trained in small arms combat will do nothing to improve the lives of U.S. citizens. What they will do is further degrade our individual sovereignty, and position Americans for a future of digital control by a centralized authority. All of this is by design, and has been in the works for decades.

What… or who, is behind all of this? Why would a government of the people, by the people, for the people wage a war against the people? The simple and short answer is: the United States government and every one of its agencies and departments from the FDA to the CDC to the EPA no longer function to serve We the People. Our government has been corrupted and captured by a socio-pathological billionaire class, hell-bent on replacing our democracy, our economic integrity, and our national sovereignty, with a New World Order. 

Before it’s too late, We the People of These United States of America, must educate ourselves and each other, and above all, we must resist. Americans of all race, color, creed, religion and- yes- political affiliation, must come together and oppose the vision of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, or the directives from a privately-funded World Health Organization of unelected technocrats. We the People must hold our elected representatives accountable to US, not to their corporate paymasters. And if they refuse, we must replace them.

An American Agenda

What we need is a simple Plan- which every American can and will support- to reclaim this country for ourselves, and restore the vision of our founders as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution: “to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

This website exists to mobilize a nationwide American movement, lead by the people, irrespective of any political party, to demand specific actions to create a New American system for The American People.

Five Point Plan

This website proposes a Five Point Plan to secure meaningful and lasting structural changes within the following categories:

  • Economic Reform
  • Public Health, Safety, and Social Security Reforms
  • Electoral Reform
  • Corporate-Banking Reform
  • Government Reform

The Five Point Plan is a blueprint for achieving a more inclusive, democratic, just, livable, and sustainable America through specific reform actions which every working American can stand behind, regardless of party affiliation.

The People’s Power

The American People cannot wait for a political party or a charismatic leader to lead the path forward. Instead, We the People ourselves must lead, by consistently presenting our demands to those who intend to represent us in Washington.

This Five Point Plan is a plan to transform the government and major institutions of this country into mechanisms that work for all of us, not for 1% of us. Relentless pressure on every elected official, and the ultimate power of the People to vote representatives in or out of office, will enable us to make this platform for change a reality.

The Five Point Plan is our response to the endemic corruption of a long broken Two Party System. It is a litmus test for incumbent politicians seeking for our vote for re-election. And it is a playbook for political newcomers promising to do a better job than those incumbents who remain deaf to the will of the citizens they are constitutionally bound to serve. Please take some time to explore our site, review the Five Point Plan, and help build the movement. By coming together in a massive coalition for change,We the People can create an America that works for all of us. Please join and help build this movement!

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