How do we force our elected officials to reverse legislation written by private interest groups such as ALEC, corporate lobbyists, and trade associations for the benefit of Corporations and the wealthiest 1%?


How do we end taxpayer subsidies to banks and multinational corporations, and instead incentivize sustainable, innovative enterprise and small businesses?


How do we ensure healthcare is a right for all American Citizens, as it is for citizens of every other developed nation on the planet?


In order to turn the Five Point Plan into a reality, We the People must take it directly to our elected representatives in Government and demand that they enact its proposals into Law.


Our power over the Republican-Democratic Party Leadership that controls our Government comes from our ability to re-elect or replace them.


The American Majority must demand their representatives enact the Five Point Plan, or be voted out of office and replaced with candidates willing to do so.


Here's what you can do to make this a reality:

Become a Change Ambassador:

1. Review the Plan and sign the Signature Page to show your support;

2. Find your Senators/Representatives office phone number or email address by entering your address here:

Locate your Senators and Representative

ex: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500

3. Call, send an email, and/or message their facebook account with your personalized message (click here for a form letter to use) asking that they review and pledge to support the Five Point Plan;

4. Repeat step #3 frequently, and make the message loud and clear;

5. Share this website with friends and family, post to facebook and social media, blog sites, and do what you can to spread the word;

6. Use your power as a voting citizen to support candidates for office who adopt the Five Point Plan as part of their campaign platform.

OR, sign up to become a Change Leader:

7. Follow steps 1-6 above;

8. Help organize local meet-ups to promote the Five Point Plan and to strategize next steps;

9. Work with others in your area to organize hometown meetings with your Senators and Representatives, demand their support for the Five Point Plan, and ask them personally how they intend to make it a reality.


We the People have the numbers on our sideAnd we have the vote.

If we mobilize a movement that gains traction, we will have the power to get what we want: an America that works for Us, rather than for Them- the Corporations and Wealthy 1% which have effectively held our Government hostage and rigged the system for their gain for far too long.

It may sound too simple to be effective, but American history has shown that popular movements, after a sustained period of time and when a critical mass is reached, can result in changes to the very laws which shape our society.  After all, Abolition of Slavery, Women's Rights, and Civil Rights for African Americans only came about after relentless pressure on the Government by popular movements.

If enough Americans get behind our plan, if a movement ensues and becomes a massive call for change, eventually our Elected Representatives will be forced to acknowledge the reforms identified within the Five Point Plan and either get behind them, or lose their positions to opportunistic political newcomers who are willing to adopt our Plan into their campaign platform.